Resurrection Morning
Early morning, cold with fear,
The tomb is empty, He’s not here.
Disciples shaken to the core,
Wandering what they came here for.
Dawn breaks on a frightened place,
That recalls the sorrow on His face.
That cruel cross had shattered dreams,
Blood flowing free in cascading streams.
But God is greater than their loss,
They thought all ended on the cross.
But no body fills this opened tomb,
Death cannot win, it has no room.
Jesus risen, comes in peace,
Tears are dried and fears will cease.
Glorious conqueror of the grave,
From death’s cruel clutches He can save.
God, far greater than man’s spite,
Silences fear with heavenly light.
Jesus comes through that locked door,
Victor in God’s holy war.
Risen indeed that special day,
More special than our words can say.
Jesus, glorious, lives once more,
With the wounds of love His follower saw.